Las Arenas de Barcelona
Barcelona’s historic bull ring Las Arenas, constructed at the very end of the 19th century, fell largely into disuse during the 1970s, owing to the declining popularity of bull fighting in Catalonia.
Images courtesy of Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
Architect Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) (Richard Rogers) Location Barcelona - Spain Company involved Miralu Website http://www.miralu.fr -
PSG Football Stadium
This temple of Parisian football has been refurbished to provide all fans, including VIP ones, with the best possible experience in the stadium.
© Mathieu Ducros / Opictures, images courtesy of ATSP
Architect ATSP Tom Sheehan Architects Location Paris (France) Company involved Miralu Website www.miralu.fr -
Multifunctional Centre Hart van Meerdervoort
When the municipalities of Zwijndrecht and Trivire in the south of the Netherlands decided to create a multifunctional centre for the Kort Ambacht Zuid neighbourhood, they initially specified a brick-clad structure. Set on an elongated site, the building needed to accommodate an elementary school, a gym, childcare centre, welfare organisation, and local housing association.
© Dion de Bakker Fotografie
Architect Architectenburo Frans van Roy Location Zwijndrecht (The Netherlands) Company involved Tata Steel Website www.tatasteelconstruction.com/en_GB/OurBrands/Colorcoat